Saturday, January 12, 2008

Retrospective 2007 reading list

On numerous occasions while reading Derrick Jensen's Endgame: Resistance, I had to stop, put the book down and think hard about what he was saying. His impassioned calls for action - "why aren't you doing more?" left me seriously questioning my commitment to change the world. Easily the best book that I read this year. Be warned that buying it will get your name on all types of lists. I recommend using cash.

Endgame: Resistance


Man's search for meaning

Flow my tears the policeman said

Perdido Street Station


Against the Grain: How agriculture hijacked cizilisation

The ethics of what we eat

The simulacra

The Weather Makers

Dr Blood Money

Great Escapes

The Future Eaters

The singing line


Comfortable with uncertainty

The Da Vinci code

Chart Throb

Triumph of the airheads

Ask and it is given